• Adaptable Public Services: Barriers to Service Access for Roma Communities in Govanhill, Scotland

    Dissertation for MSc. Global Migrations & Social Justice exploring how local services are addressing the needs & barriers Roma communities face in accessing services within the Govanhill locality

    Harriet A. de Wet (2019)

  • An Anti-Racist Organizational Change Tool for Nonprofits

    A tool that addresses the importance of inclusion, diversity, difference, and equity and how these concepts can be used in the community sector. The purpose of this resource booklet is to see how using an anti-racism framework can strengthen an organizations dedication to work towards social justice and equity.

    CommunityWise (2017)

  • Bilingual Families – advice for parents on raising children with more than one language

    Flyer with information & links to help families raising children with more than one language

    By Bilingualism Matters

  • Birth Outcomes & Experiences Report

    This report analyses the childbirth experiences of 100 individuals supported by Amma over a two-year period. Amma’s aim in creating this report was to amplify the voices of those whose experiences of pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood so often go unheard.

    Amma Birth Companions (2024)


    This report details the findings and recommendations of a research project commissioned by the Glasgow Community Food Network and funded by Scottish Government. The research explored how cash-first approaches might be implemented in community food settings. Using qualitative methodologies, community food initiatives (CFIs) across Glasgow were engaged.

    Delve and Glasgow Community Food Network (2024)

  • Charity Trustee Ethnicity in Glasgow

    CRER’s new publication audits BME representation on Voluntary Sector Boards. Under-representation of BME groups on third sector boards has significant implications for racial equality. A lack of board diversity can impact decision making and governance, funding opportunities and public trust.

    Coalition for Racial Equality & Rights (CRER) (2019)

  • Climate Change, Global Migration and Human Rights

    Climate change, global migration and human rights are inextricably linked. As global warming advances around the world, increasing numbers of people are being displaced from their lands, livelihoods and homes, becoming “internally displaced peoples” within their own countries, for forced to migrate across international borders. And as they are displaced, access to human rights becomes an even more important challenge in the pursuit of safety, work and a new home.

    National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (2018)

  • Creating a Safe Space for LGBTQI+ People

    One really positive thing that you can do to make sure that LGBT people feel safe, welcome and included is to introduce a safe space commitment, which sets out the expectations for everyone in the space. This resource is designed to help you develop a safe space commitment and put it into practice; it also includes some useful phrases for upholding it in trickier moments.

    LGBT Health and Wellbeing

  • Cultivating Interdependence: A guide to ethical work placements at Rumpus Room

    This manual is an open resource that outlines RR’s commitment to hosting ethical work placements. As a free to download pdf, RR hope it can be used as a reference point for arts organisations, students and universities to consider how work placements can be conducted in non-exploitative, enriching, formative and imaginative ways.

  • Debunking Myths & Revealing Truths about the Roma

    An accessible resource giving information and challenging common misconceptions about Roma communities.

    European Network Against Racism, European Roma Information Office

  • Do Black Lives Still Matter in Scotland?

    George Floyd’s murder at the hands of a white police officer in May 2020 sent a shockwave of grief and outrage across the world.

    Over the following weeks, institutions in Scotland responded with statements committing to anti-racism.

    CRER investigated progress on racial justice made by the same organisations since their Black Lives Matter statements. Organisations were approached in April 2022 and asked about their actions following their statements. We used the responses to create our report Do Black Lives Still Matter in Scotland?

    Coalition Of Racial Equality and Rights (2023)

  • Ethnicity and Socio-economic Deprivation in Scotland

    The Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER) has published new research on socio-economic deprivation in Scotland, revealing a stark disparity between Black and minority ethnic groups and their white Scottish/British counterparts in terms of their access to economic and social resources. Using the latest population data from Scotland's 2022 Census, CRER's analysis highlights that Black and minority ethnic communities in Scotland are disproportionately concentrated in the most deprived areas and that this inequality has widened over the past decade.

    CRER (2024)

  • EmBody to EmPower: A resource for young women about accessing healthcare in Scotland

    From registering with a medical centre, doctor, or dentist, to making appointments, to talking to healthcare practitioners and having treatments, accessing healthcare is a journey.

    The EmBody to EmPower project consists of a group of young women who co-designed three digital and physical resources to help create a more inclusive understanding of what a positive experience of accessing healthcare is, and how young women can build the skills and confidence to self-advocate within healthcare settings.

  • Experiences of LGBTQ+ asylum seekers and refugees in Scotland: Housing, houselessness, hotel detention and impact

    In February 2023 LGBT Health and Wellbeing held a community consultation exploring experiences of ‘housing’ with 32 individuals supported by the organisation via the LGBT+ Refugee Project. This Report was subsequently produced by LGBT Health and Wellbeing to raise awareness of some of the key issues faced by the community members who access our LGBT+ Refugee Project here in Scotland.

    LGBT Health and Wellbeing

  • From Mecca to Musselburgh

    A creative toolkit for teachers of religious education (R.E.) in secondary schools in Scotland to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions of Muslim women and communities, in collaboration with the Al Waleed Centre, University of Edinburgh.

    Amina MWRC (2018)

  • From Pillar to Post – Destitution among people refused asylum in Scotland

    Research recording the experiences of people who have been refused asylum and made destitute in Scotland. Coordinated by the Destitute Asylum Seeker Service, a Glasgow based project coordinated by the Refugee Survival Trust, Scottish Refugee Council, British Red Cross, University of Strathclyde Law Clinic, Glasgow Night Shelter, Castlemilk Community Church and Rehoboth Nissi Ministries.

    Destitute Asylum Seeker Service (2019)

  • Gypsy, Traveller & Roma: Experts by Experience

    A report reviewing UK Progress on the European Union Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies.

    Angela Ruskin University (2014)

  • How to be an ally: designing boards for racial diversity

    A post on why we need to ensure people of colour encounter a supportive environment when they join charity boards, & how to do this – with links to further research & resources.

    Getting on Board (2021)

  • How to Diversify your Charity's Board: A Practical Guide

    A guide taking you through the steps of how to approach the subject of changing your board composition with your existing trustees and chair. The guide is filled with illuminating case studies and quotes and is accompanied by a downloadable resources pack.

    Getting on Board (2022)

  • How will we survive? Steps to preventing destitution in the asylum system

    This report from The Red Cross evidences experiences of destitution among people seeking asylum and calls for comprehensive support for people seeking asylum as they arrive in the UK.

    The Red Cross (2021)

  • Inclusive Volunteering Toolkit

    This toolkit and report are the result of a project in 2022/23 supported by the Scottish Government as part of Scotland’s Volunteering Action Plan.

    Make Your Mark is an ongoing campaign to make heritage volunteering for all in Scotland. It was created in 2020 as part of Our Place in Time, Scotland’s first national strategy for the historic environment.

  • Information for new refugees

    In this guide, you will find information on:

    • what's next after getting leave to remain

    • what new rights you have after getting leave to remain

    • what documents you need to help you access your rights

    • what benefits and social security you can apply for

    • what you need to open a bank account

    • what your homeless rights are

    • how to register with a GP and dentist

    Scottish Refugee Council (2024)

  • Intimate Migrations: Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender migrants in Scotland

    Final report from a project about the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender migrants from Central Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Former Soviet Union (FSU) in Scotland.

    University of Glasgow, Economic & Social Research Council (2016)

  • Locked into Poverty: Life on Asylum Support

    Report revealing a picture of poverty, exclusion and hardship for people seeking asylum wholly reliant on Government support payments.

    Asylum Matters (2020)

  • Lift the Ban: Why Giving People Seeking Asylum the Right to Work is Common Sense

    This Lift The Ban coalition report shows how clear the evidence in favour of giving people seeking asylum the right to work is.

    From a rise in the estimated benefit to the treasury (£97.8 million per year) to enduring public and business support and examples that show lifting the ban makes even more sense during the coronavirus pandemic – this report makes the rational, moral and financial case for the right to work.

    Lift the Ban (2020)

  • Migrant integration services and coping with the digital divide: challenges and opportunities of the COVID-19 pandemic

    This research note reflects on the impacts of the shift to online service delivery for voluntary and community organisations. In particular, it reports on initial findings from research being undertaken on migrant integration organisations in Quebec (Canada) and Scotland (UK).

    Caitlin McMullin, Concordia University (2021)

  • Migrant social integration in Glasgow’s deprived communities

    A collaborative report from Glasgow Centre for Population Health and the University of Glasgow’s Department of Urban Studies and the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, sponsored by Glasgow Housing Association, the Scottish Government, NHS Health Scotland and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

    Go Well (2015)

  • Migration Policy Scotland Project

    Report of a scoping exercise on the need for greater policy capacity on migration in Scotland. Funded by Joseph Rowntree Foundation

    Sarah Kyambi (2020)

  • New Scots: Access to Healthcare Toolkit

    After conducting community research on barriers New Scots, specifically asylum seekers, have faced when attempting to access healthcare in Scotland, JustCitizens have put together a toolkit that explains the Scottish National Healthcare System (NHS). They have translated this resources into various languages. They realise there are some languages missing and would welcome help with translation into those hard-to-reach languages. These toolkits are free for you to download, print and share with others.

    JustCitizens (2023)

  • New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy

    The purpose of the New Scots strategy is to coordinate the efforts of organisations and community groups across Scotland involved in supporting refugees, asylum seekers and communities. This report sets out an approach to support the vision of a welcoming Scotland.

    COSLA, Scottish Refugee Council, Scottish Government (2018)

  • No Radio Silence

    A companion to the short film No Radio Silence, the e-book aims at supporting teachers and community leaders in delivering meaningful group activities toward the understanding of issues involving refugees and asylum seekers in the UK.

    The resource proposes group conversations and practical activities, providing definitions of terms and discussing experiences that most refugees and asylum seekers go through before and after arriving in the UK. Most of the topics within this resource can be matched with the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.

    Govanhill Baths and Unity Sisters (2022)

  • Our Rights Our Communities Summary Report

    ‘Our Rights, Our Communities’ was a partnership project between Govanhill Baths Community Trust, Unity Sisters and Milk Café. This project was delivered at a time where New Scots are suffering severe institutional racism, discourses on refugee rights are moving further to the right, and government policy continues to strip refugees of their human rights.

    The report includes educational resources, recommendations, findings, and reflections on partnership working and collaboration.

    Govanhill Baths, Community Trust, Unity Sisters, & Milk Cafe (2023)

  • Self-Care Manual for Women

    A self-care manual designed to support you in establishing and maintaining an approach to self-care that fits with your unique life circumstances, strengths, challenges and needs.

    This manual is for all women. However, it has been developed with the following audiences in mind:

    - Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) women

    - women who have experienced trauma and/or domestic abuse

    - women who would like to become group facilitators

    Amina Muslim Women’s Resource Centre (2017)

  • Shifting Sands – Coercive Control Training Toolkit

    Shift Sands Film & Training Toolkit offers a coherent understanding of coercive control and how to effectively support victims.

    The training resource illustrates to participants what constitutes coercive control through exploring warning signs, the impact it can have on a victim’s mental health and the role we can play as a society in order to eradicate domestic abuse.

    The training toolkit is designed for organisations, educational establishments, voluntary sector and community groups to raise awareness of Coercive Control with their staff, volunteers, members and service users.

    Glasgow Women’s Library (2021)

  • Speak Up – A young person’s guide to intervening in a hate crime situation

    This resource is intended to help young people intervene in situations where someone is the target of hate behaviour. It is aimed at 11-16 year olds but could be used as a training tool for peer educators and youth workers. Activities to go along with the resource can be found here.

    Youth Link Scotland – Action on Prejudice (2019)

  • Talking About Immigration

    Resource from Imix for organisation and individuals about positively influencing conversations about immigration and how to engage different audiences.

    Imix/Emma Harrison 2018

  • The Right to Remain Toolkit – A guide to the UK immigration and asylum system

    The Right to Remain Toolkit is free to use, and it’s for people who want to learn more about the legal process, or a particular part of the legal process. You might be making an application or are thinking about it; you might be helping someone else to do so.

    Right to Remain (2021)

  • The Roma, COVID-19, and Lockdown Impact

    A report from Ando Glaso looking at the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Roma community in Glasgow.

    Ando Glaso 2021 – Eva Kourova, Ionut Cioarta, Jana Puskova, Leon Puska, Dana Balogova, Mania Michalewicz, David Balog

  • The Stages of a Young Person’s Asylum Journey

    This resource – the young person’s asylum guide – has been developed by Croydon Council and Right to Remain.

    It includes an Overview of the Stages of a Young Person’s Asylum Journey Including;

    Right to Remain (2021)

  • The Tale o’ the Glasgow Girls

    Poem in Scots about Dumchapel school girls’ campaign against asylum seeker detention & deportation – with teaching resources from the Educational Institute of Scotland.

    Euan Girvan / EIS (2020)

  • Til Doomsday in the Afternoon: A Gypsy/Traveller Perspective on the history, culture and traditions of the community in Scotland

    A resource designed to enable practitioners to raise awareness and understanding of the history, culture and traditions of the Scottish Gypsy/Traveller community and work with young people to identify and seek solutions to the key ‘flash points’ [or conflicts] that often occur between Gypsy/Travellers and the ‘settled’ community.

    Article 12 in Scotland (2017)

  • Top 10 Tips to be a Great LGBTQ+ Ally

    Tips on how to be an active and inclusive LGBT+ ally.

    Pride Outside

  • Wake Up Call: How Government Contracts Fail People Seeking Asylum

    Towards the end of 2019, the asylum accommodation and support system was almost fatally disrupted by the transition from one set of government contracts to another. People seeking asylum began to experience unacceptable and entirely avoidable destitution. Wake Up Call details what went wrong and our suggestions for how the Home Office can go about mending this broken system.

    Refugee Action (2020)

  • We don’t ask for a luxury life: The health, safety and well-being of babies and their mothers in dispersal asylum accommodation in the UK

    The accommodation provided for parents and young children seeking asylum in the UK is widely reported to be inadequate and may put these children at increased risk of injury or death. This collaborative project between Amma and the Durham Infancy and Sleep Centre sought to investigate the experiences of mothers and babies allocated dispersal accommodation in Glasgow.

    Amma Birth Companions and Durham University (2024)

  • Welcome to Scotland: A Guide to Scot’s Law

    New Arrival? Learning to live in a different county can be difficult. Welcome to Scotland: A Guide to Scots Law can help you understand the everyday rules and laws that will affect you in your new home. Available in English as well as the following languages: Amharic, Arabic, Farsi, Lithuanian, Oromo, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Tigrinya, Urdu

    New College Lanarkshire, Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service and Police Scotland (2016)